Middeleeuws Festival Jabbeke
Continuous entertainment on the festival grounds – all activities for the kids are completely free! And for the adults as well. Among these :
There are two special kiddie corners with a lot of activities on the festival grounds
Continuous birds of prey show
Archery for young and old with longbow and crossbow
Learn sword fighting - for big and small
Medieval blacksmith making swords, weapons, armour, ornaments, etc - The making of chainmail
Court Jesters - Musicians – Dragon stilt-walker - Grimme for kids - Nail tapping - Acrobats - Juggler - Fire eaters - Leatherworkers - wood turner - woodworker - stonecutter - pharmacy - rope making - wool processing ...
Saturday 9 July
09.30 Knight's procession through Snellegem (Merovingians, Carolingians, Vikings, Knights,
Crusaders, Templars, Hospitallers, mercenaries and craftsmen) to the Oosthof entrance gate
Sunday 10 July
09.30 Medieval wedding (civil and ecclesiastical) and walk with the newly weds from the
Romanesque church to the festival
Saturday and Sunday
10.00 Gates open – quick entrance row for presale tickets
10.20 Archery Show
Medieval dancing for everyone
10.30 Start of the agility trials for knights and damsels on horseback at the event arena
Javelin throwing, ring stabbing, apple splitting, etc
10.45 Medieval theatre - stage
11.00 Appetizer concert 11 July and speech (on Sunday)
11.15 Behourd fight knight against knight – small arena
11.40 Archery Show
Medieval dancing for everyone
12.00 Medieval lunch
12.30 Performance by Sassenachs stage
13.15 Behourd fight knight against knight – small arena
14.00 The count, countess and their court arrive at the joust
Fire eaters, court jesters, watchmen, birds of prey, heralds, musicians, acrobats etc
14.15 The joust ! A real tournament – nothing has been pre-arranged, this is a real competition –
at the big arena
15.00 Archery Show
Medieval dancing for everyone
15.20 Medieval theatre - stage
15.45 The big battle – at the big arena
16.15 The big kiddiebattle ! – at the big arena
16.45 Joust, the big final – at the big arena
17.30 Behourd fight knight against knight – small arena
18.00 Festival closes on Sunday
Saturday evening 9 July 2022
19.00 Medieval BBQ in the presence of the count, countess and their court
20.00 Performance by Trio Lucas Florent - stage
21.00 Performance by Sassenachs – stage
22.00 Start fire show – at the big arena
23.00 Site closure for the public
Performances and fire show are included for all who have a ticket for Saturday, Sunday or the weekend. BBQ at your own expense, not included in the entrance fee.
De Heeren van Altena
Middeleeuws Collectief Via Nobilis
Middeleeuws Collectief Via Nobilis
Trio Lucas Florent